Episode 2: Application-driven materials, with Danielle Glasbergen-Benning, DSM

In our latest 3D printing podcast episode, we talk to Danielle Glasbergen-Benning, who is an Application Development Specialist for DSM Additive Manufacturing.

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Last updated on 27 Nov, 2020. 1 minute read

In our latest 3D printing podcast episode, we talk to Danielle Glasbergen-Benning, who is an Application Development Specialist for DSM Additive Manufacturing. The company specializes in material and life sciences, with headquarters in The Netherlands and offices in around 50 countries across the world. They have an extensive range of products, which includes an impressive portion of the world’s Vitamin C, animal nutrition, injection molding materials for electronics and mobility, and advanced additive manufacturing materials. 

In the 1980s, DSM played an important role in pioneering additive manufacturing. These days, they continue to offer a wealth of high-performance solutions across a range of 3D printing technologies.  

In this episode, Danielle explains how she approaches the process of translating application needs into material solutions. She also gives insight into some of DSM’s recent cutting-edge projects, which were made possible thanks to the company’s portfolio of materials. These materials are available for engineers and designers using open platform professional 3D printers, and are featured within Ultimaker’s Material Marketplace.