
Shreyas Sharma


Pune, Maharashtra, India


Freelance Content Writer & Editor | Electronics & Communication Engineer | Ex-Android Developer


I'm a Freelance Content Writer & Editor, who completed his Electronics & Communication Engineering degree from Manipal Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India in 2013. I discovered my interest in technology by assisting a Robotics club un my college, initially as a volunteer and later as its Vice President As a volunteer, I participated in a Wireless RF Circuit project using HT12E/D where a bulb was controlled wirelessly. Later, during my final year, I implemented this using ZigBee modules. As a Vice President, I oversaw and coordinated various Robotics projects. This makes me well familiar with the technology and an enthusiast. I believe in utilizing my writing and editing abilities to make technology appreciable to a broader audience.

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Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (Wire EDM) has revolutionized precision machining, empowering manufacturers to tackle with intricacies in aerospace, medical devices, and electronics. This latest technology pushes boundaries with its ability to create complex shapes and achieve point accuracy.

Wire EDM: Precision of Modern Engineering

The world of PCB connectors is diverse and expansive, catering to various applications in the field of electronics. In this article, we’ll dive and explore from the basics of board-to-board and wire-to-board connector types, to specialty connectors designed for specific use cases.

Types of PCB Connectors: An In-Depth Guide