High fidelity coupling of digital bits and physical atoms at MIT Media Lab

Created in the Tangible Media group at the MIT Media Lab, DefeXtiles is an attempt at high fidelity coupling of digital bits and physical atoms.

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20 Dec, 2020. less than a minute read

High fidelity coupling of digital bits and physical atoms at MIT Media Lab




Created in the Tangible Media group at the MIT Media Lab, DefeXtiles is an attempt at high fidelity coupling of digital bits and physical atoms. While defects are often seen as negative, this works leverages the periodic gap defects that arise from the underextrusion of thermoplastic to produce flexible and thin substrates. 

These soft and stretchable substrates can be quickly printed into complex 3D forms with many materials using an unmodified inexpensive 3D printer. We are able to print full-sized garments, e-textiles, durable shuttlecocks, and miniature dresses among others.


