The Standardization of Parts
Never design parts that you are unable to find in the product catalogue. - David Anderson
Photo by Yevgen Tarasov on Unsplash
1. The standardization of parts and avoiding custom parts has many advantages as below:
2. How to realize the standardization of the parts?
Photo by Edge2Edge Media on Unsplash
Firstly, the enterprise shall start a standard library for frequently used parts and Priority List of the parts, then start to implement the standardized strategy of different products within the enterprise.
It shall be encouraged to opt for parts in standard library during product development and the used parts shall be reused. parts in the same product can also be standardized.
Secondly, hardware parts shall opt for standardized parts from suppliers, such as screws, studs and conductive foams etc, because the custom parts will greatly increase time and costs.
“Never design parts that you are unable to find in the product catalogue”David Anderson said on the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Conference in 2001. It indicates that we should purchase ready-made(also off-the-shelf) standardized parts from suppliers, rather than make custom parts.
Photo by Bjorn Agerbeek on Unsplash
Currently there are some enterprises, which have already started their own 3D database of standard parts. Their designers can take some data from it while making a design, which will do good to the implementation of its Standardization Strategy.