Design tips for ClipsThe client asked for a design with no screws, so clips are chosen. However, the clip hook was broken during drop testing, what should we do?Team RPWORLDfromRPWORLD15 Sep, 2022. less than a minute read Follow TopicManufacturing Follow Tagscnc millingdesign cyclemanufacturing systemsproduct designprototyping1. Commonly used clip shapes 2. Factors to be considered before clips are designed 3. 6 Design tips for clips 1. Reasonable lengths2. To avoid stress concentration by adding round corners or fillets at the base of the clips 3. Clips shall be evenly distributed4. Use positioning columns to assist the clip assembly 5. Well-designed clips should not increase mold complexity6. Well-designed clips shall be easy for mold modification Search for articles and topics on Wevolver "cnc milling" "design cycle" "manufacturing systems" "product design" "prototyping" "3d printing" Explore topics TopicManufacturing Follow Tagscnc milling - design cycle - manufacturing systems - product design - prototyping