WEBINAR Reach Bravo - A New Underwater Robotic Arm - Demo and Q&AIn this webinar (July 2020) we take the first public in-depth look at the Reach Bravo underwater robotic arm system and answer attendees questions.Anders RidleySmithfromBlueprint Lab24 Mar, 2021. Follow Topicrobotics Follow Tagsautonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)robotic armsteleroboticsSearch for articles and topics on Wevolver "autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)" "remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)" "robotic arms" "telerobotics" "robotics" "social robotics" Explore topics Topicrobotics Follow Tagsautonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) - remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) - robotic arms - telerobotics