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integrated photonics
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The Role of Photonic Integrated Circuits, Breaking into the Industry, and Crafting a Winning Submission
Twan Korthorst, CEO of New Origin, highlights their transformative potential in a conversation with Wevolver about the Global Photonics Engineering Contest, hosted in collaboration with PhotonDelta.
Positive vs. Negative Photoresist: A Comprehensive Guide to Photolithography in Semiconductor Fabrication
Photoresist, a light-sensitive material, is essential in photolithography for transferring intricate circuit patterns onto semiconductor wafers. This article explores positive vs. negative photoresists, detailing their chemical mechanisms, processing parameters, and performance traits.
Integrated photonics, also known as planar lightwave circuits or integrated optical circuits, revolutionizes optical communication by leveraging the properties of light to process and transmit information. This cutting-edge technology offers superior efficiency and compactness compared to traditional electronic components, paving the way for faster and more energy-efficient communication systems. With its interdisciplinary nature encompassing materials science, quantum physics, and electrical engineering, integrated photonics presents an exciting and promising field of study and research in today's digital era.