Technical and Ethical Issues in Quantum Computing: The Quantum Challenge

Article #6 of Engineering the Quantum Future Series: Quantum computing brings groundbreaking tech advances and ethical challenges, requiring frameworks for secure and fair use.

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16 Sep, 2024. 10 min read

This is the sixth and final article in a six-part series featuring articles on "Engineering the Quantum Future". The series explains the revolutionary advancements in quantum computing and their implications for various industries. Each article discusses a specific aspect of this transformative technology, from the fundamental concepts of quantum computing to the practical applications and challenges. This series is sponsored by Mouser Electronics. Through the sponsorship, Mouser Electronics promotes innovation and the exchange of knowledge, aiming to harness the revolutionary capabilities of quantum computing for a smarter and safer technological future.

While quantum computing is still in the nascent stages, the possibilities for using it to solve intractable problems are cause for excitement. As advances in technology have taken off, actualizing the potential of quantum computing is becoming increasingly real. Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize finance, banking, healthcare, supply chain logistics, and the environment in amazing ways. 

As with any emerging technology, it is important to be aware of the technical and ethical challenges to create a way forward with as much understanding and equity as possible. The significance of quantum computing changing the world means we must develop structures and enforceable guidelines now. 

In this article, we will discuss both the technical and ethical challenges of quantum computing; what and who do we need to consider as we step into this exciting and unprecedented future? 

Understanding Quantum Computing Through an Ethical Lens

Quantum computers utilize the principles of quantum physics, making their functional capacity far more powerful than a traditional computer or supercomputer. In classical computing, two states are possible in binary code: 0 and 1. A quantum computer’s basic unit of information is a qubit, which is the counterpart to the bit in binary coding. Within quantum computing, the bits can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously, creating an infinite and continuous number of possible states. Indeed, the pathways for quantum computers to solve problems are infinite and continuous. 

Drawing a parallel from the realm of quantum computing to the philosophical landscape of morality, we find a striking resemblance in the complexity and non-binary nature of ethical decision-making. 

Just as a qubit in quantum computing transcends the binary limitation of being either 0 or 1, moral choices often escape the dichotomy of right and wrong. In the intricate tapestry of human experience, ethical decisions are seldom black or white; they exist in a spectrum of grays, mirroring the quantum state's ability to embody multiple possibilities simultaneously. 

Then, there’s quantum entanglement, which occurs when two or more particles interact in ways in which they become mutually dependent on one another. This can occur even when they are separated by great distances, no matter what lies between them. When two systems are entangled, a special connection exists between them, and various operations can be manipulated to increase or decrease certain probabilities, which leads us to the answers we’re looking for. Of course, that requires some ethical thought, as quantum computers have a large capacity to take on many different paths. 

As quantum computers evolve to tackle complex problems in healthcare, finance, and logistics, they will inevitably encounter scenarios laden with ethical and moral implications, such as decisions about patient treatment protocols, data privacy in healthcare, and the impact of predictive financial models on economies and individual livelihoods. With examples like these, it is necessary that the development and application of quantum computing be guided by ethical principles that prioritize the welfare of individuals and communities, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability. 

The immense potential of quantum computing must be balanced with a conscientious approach to its societal impacts, ensuring that this revolutionary technology serves as a tool for positive change and ethical advancement.

For example, among the many ways quantum computing could change the face of healthcare is accelerating drug discovery by simulating drug interactions and optimizing complex genetic analysis. When combined with AI, enhancing machine learning algorithms for predicting disease and personalizing treatment could also be more accessible. However, that raises ethical considerations about whether people should be informed of every genetic issue they are statistically able to have and whether the quality of their lives would be improved or worsened with that knowledge.

In finance, quantum neural network models have already been developed to predict stock market behaviors. Quantum computing could optimize risk assessment tasks and enhance portfolio management and option pricing as well. It could also level the playing field to such an extent as to render the market almost useless. There is no competition if the data is so good that it eliminates all competition.

In logistics and supply chains, quantum computing can potentially create simulations to streamline operations or predict disruptions. Such streamlining could optimize route planning and inventory management, leading to more efficient and cost-effective deliveries. Of course, this would also have to come up against the geopolitical realities of those routes, environmental factors, and the impact on human beings along the way.

Beyond these specific examples, as quantum computing becomes more accessible, it will change every industry that relies on computer technology. A technology this powerful requires a lot of creative thinking about how to curb that power responsibly so that it doesn’t inadvertently end up doing harm.

The Current State of Quantum Computing

At present, quantum computing is in a state of frantic development. The power of the technology is so significant that it will be an unfair advantage to whichever country or entity fully develops quantum supremacy before the others. Governments, private sector industries, and tech startups are all working towards achieving quantum supremacy and scaling quantum computers to their full capacities.

Many billions of dollars have been pledged to fund the development of quantum technology in places like China, the EU, and the United States. Of course, different states have different priorities and value systems—another reason why global ethical guidelines will be necessary.

As nations and corporations invest billions into quantum technology, it becomes ever more crucial to establish a framework of ethical guidelines and collaborative efforts. This is not just a race for technological dominance but an opportunity to foster a global approach to problem-solving, where the benefits of quantum computing can be leveraged for the greater good while mitigating risks and ensuring equitable access. Ethical guidelines will be what ensures the technology serves humanity's best interests and not simply corporate or siloed government interests.

Ethical and Environmental Considerations in Quantum Computing Development

One of the most significant technical hurdles—qubit stability—also brings to light a crucial ethical concern: the sustainability of the energy required for quantum computing. Qubits are extremely sensitive and require environments near absolute zero to maintain their quantum properties. This necessitates sophisticated refrigeration systems, which raises questions about the energy consumption and environmental impact of maintaining such conditions, especially as we scale up to systems with tens of thousands of qubits.

The challenge of decoherence—where qubits lose their quantum properties due to environmental disturbances—not only affects computational accuracy but also amplifies the need for energy-intensive error correction techniques. These techniques often involve additional qubits, further increasing the energy demands. As quantum computing progresses, the ethical implications of its energy consumption become increasingly significant, particularly in the context of global efforts to combat climate change and promote sustainability.

Moreover, the rapid processing capabilities of quantum computers, while a technological marvel, also present a potential for exponential accumulation of computational errors. This necessitates advanced error correction methods, which again contribute to the overall resource and energy footprint of quantum computing operations.

In addition to these challenges, the development of quantum computing infrastructure—encompassing both hardware and software—requires substantial investment not only in terms of capital but also in human resources. The ethical dimension here involves ensuring equitable access to training and education in the quantum workforce, as well as considering the broader societal impacts of such a concentrated investment in a highly specialized technological field.

As we stand on the brink of a quantum revolution, it is crucial to balance the excitement of technological advancement with a conscientious approach. The pursuit of quantum computing must be aligned with sustainable practices and a commitment to addressing the broader societal impacts, ensuring that this powerful technology advances harmoniously with our environmental responsibilities and ethical standards.

Further Ethical Implications in Quantum Computing

It becomes clear there are two primary concerns when it comes to quantum computing: safeguarding against the misuse of the powerful technology and ensuring its benefits are distributed fairly across the global population.

A significant ethical challenge lies in the field of human rights, particularly regarding the potential for quantum computing to enable unprecedented levels of surveillance. This could lead to serious invasions of privacy, manipulation of democratic processes, and even the potential for controlling populations. The enhanced capability of quantum computers to process vast amounts of data raises concerns about increased data privacy breaches and the ease of data harvesting by organizations.

Another critical area of concern is cybersecurity. The advanced computational power of quantum computers threatens current encryption methods, potentially allowing access to highly sensitive government information and jeopardizing global security. This extends to the realm of e-commerce, where the integrity of encryption is paramount. The development of quantum-resistant cryptography is essential to counteract these risks and ensure a secure digital environment as quantum technology progresses.

Moreover, the risk of exacerbating the digital divide is a pressing ethical issue. Without deliberate efforts to ensure equitable access, quantum computing could widen the gap between those with access to advanced technology and those without, especially considering the existing disparities in wealth and resources globally.

Companies are driving progress in the private sector, where much of quantum development is concentrated. However, corporate focus on engineering solutions and profit-driven objectives can sometimes overshadow ethical considerations. This highlights the need for a balanced approach that fosters ethical development without hindering innovation.

The World Economic Forum's 2022 Insight Report on Quantum Computing Governance Principles offers a valuable framework for this balance.[1] It outlines core values such as the common good, accountability, inclusiveness, equitability, non-maleficence, accessibility, and transparency. 

These principles could and should guide the creation of enforceable regulations, ensuring that quantum computing develops in a manner that benefits and protects the global community. As with AI, the development of quantum computing necessitates a careful balance between ethical oversight and the encouragement of innovation, ensuring that this transformative technology serves the greater good while respecting individual rights and global security.

Balancing Progress and Responsibility 

As it stands, discussions about the key players in the development of quantum technology primarily involve researchers, governments, and industry stakeholders. 

Faye Wattleton, co-founder of quantum computer hardware company Eero-Q, advocates for a broader, more inclusive collaboration.[2] She suggests that this collaborative body should include not only academia—encompassing scientists, philosophers, anthropologists, and religious leaders—but also professionals from healthcare, finance, both profit and non-profit corporations, and, crucially, representatives from civil society. This diverse inclusion ensures that the development of quantum technology is viewed through a multifaceted lens, integrating the potential of the technology within structural frameworks that benefit society at large.

It's essential that participants possess a critical thinking approach, one that melds the possibilities of quantum technology with societal needs and ethical considerations. 

As the quantum computing field expands, there's a growing need for a workforce that is not only technically proficient but also versed in the humanities. This approach will provide a more rounded perspective, addressing the ethical and societal implications often overlooked by a purely technical or scientific focus.

Moreover, part of this ethical responsibility involves effectively communicating with the public about quantum computing's impact on their lives. It's vital to convey this information in accessible language, making the technology understandable and relevant to diverse experiences. 

Engaging the public requires informing them in a manner that resonates with their everyday lives and concerns. This approach ensures that quantum computing's development is not just a technological advancement but also a societal progression guided by inclusivity, ethical considerations, and a commitment to the broader good.

Navigating the Future with Ethical Foresight

As quantum computing continues its rapid advancement, the once theoretical ethical dilemmas are swiftly becoming pressing realities that demand concrete guidelines. The involvement of various sectors—such as governments, startups, and tech industry leaders—in actively developing this technology suggests that the anticipated challenges will likely be surmounted sooner than anticipated. This places us at a critical juncture where the potential of quantum computing to significantly alter the course of humanity is more imminent than ever. Its parallels with nuclear technology are evident: While it can drive monumental positive change globally, it also harbors the potential for unprecedented destructive power if misused.

Therefore, developing and refining quantum technology within a robust ethical framework is imperative. This framework must be a collaborative effort, drawing on leadership and insights from all sectors of society. It's essential to ensure that this remarkable scientific achievement serves the greater good of the planet and humankind, safeguarding against any detrimental impacts.

Quantum theory, reflecting the interconnectedness of the universe, symbolizes our intrinsic link with this emerging technology. Whether we confront it head-on or observe it from a distance, our engagement with quantum computing is inevitable. It is our collective responsibility to actively participate in shaping the quantum future. This commitment to intentional involvement in the development and application of quantum computing is not just a scientific or technological imperative but a moral one, guiding us toward a future that honors our shared destiny and the integrity of our quantum potential.

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The rapid advancements in quantum computing promise to revolutionize various industries, from finance to healthcare, but they also present significant technical and ethical challenges. As we push the boundaries of this powerful technology, it is crucial to establish robust ethical frameworks and global guidelines to ensure equitable access, safeguard privacy, and maintain security. 

Collaboration among researchers, policymakers, industry leaders, and civil society is essential to deal with these challenges responsibly. By balancing innovation with ethical considerations, we can harness the potential of quantum computing for the greater good, ensuring it serves humanity's best interests.

This article was initially published in "METHODS: Engineering the Quantum Future," an e-magazine by Mouser Electronics. It has been substantially edited by the Wevolver team and Ravi Y Rao. It's the sixth and final article in the Engineering the Quantum Future Series. Upcoming articles will introduce readers to more trends and technologies transforming quantum computing.

The introductory article explores the current state of quantum computing, highlighting its challenges and potential

The first article dives into the foundational concepts of quantum computing, covering its theoretical basis, technological evolution, and potential applications

The second article takes a look at some transformative breakthroughs in quantum computing

The third article examines the role of quantum computing in enhancing energy efficiency

The fourth article explains quantum interconnectivity, detailing how linking quantum processors can amplify computing power

The fifth article addresses how the advancements in quantum capabilities pose significant challenges to traditional encryption methods and cybersecurity

The sixth article discusses the technical and ethical challenges of quantum computing as the technology progresses


[1] World Economic Forum. Quantum Computing Governance Principles [Internet]. Geneva, Switzerland; 2022 Jan 19. Available from:

[2] Wattleton F. Speaking Up: Quantum Computing Shouldn’t Be Withheld From People. Fortune. 2023 May 22. Available from: